How to make Mom Happy

We all have a Mom and if we are blessed to still have her in our lives we should do our best to make Mom happy. She was there for you from the moment you arrived and she still cares for you like her little baby. Surely she deserves a few moments of your time and focus to make her happy?! Here are some great ideas for how to make Mom happy. They are divided into the relationship and age so that you can find the tips that will work best for you right now.

Teenagers that want to make Mom Happy

If you are a teenager that just had a terrible fight with Mom and now you are looking for ways to make her happy again, know this. Your Mom probably got really angry because she loves you and can’t stand to see you act the way you did. An apology is the first thing but try to couple this with something that will prove that you are making amends. Did she get angry due to the mess you create in the house? Do the dishes, vacuum and clean up a bit and not just today. Make an effort to do this regularly and you will see how it will make Mom happy as ever!

Young Adults

Young adults can make Mom happy by staying in touch. Write her a letter or make a fast call just to tell her that you love her. This will work like nothing else. You should also try to schedule some time with her. Nothing makes a Mom happier than an older child that is interested in spending time with her. Do something you both enjoy and close the phone while you are out. Let her feel that you want to spend time with her only and hear what is on her mind right now. If you can’t see her in person due to distance you should consider writing an old fashioned letter because you probably took the write-her-idea for an email. Get some pretty stationary, insert a new photo from your life and write her that you miss her.

Grown Ups

Your Mom is about to retire or already after her retirement and you want to find a way to make her happy. Guess what, it is still you and your life that interest her the most. Save the cool gifts for her birthday and mother’s day and give her something from your heart today. Why not frame a picture of you and the grandchildren and give it to her? She will enjoy that you thought of her and she will also be energized and light at heart when she gets a lovely picture of the people she loves the most!