How to Choose Sandals for a Child

It is summertime and also time for sandals! Sandals are great and kids usually love them. There are so many styles to choose from that it can be hard to decide how to choose sandals for a child. To help you make a decision, this article looks at some of the major points to think about when buying sandals for a child. A sandal for a child must be practical and not only cool or pretty.

How will They be Used?

For sandals that are mainly meant for the beach and the pool you are really looking for something that can withstand water well and not necessarily the shoes that are the most ergonomic for your child’s feet. Plastic and rubber sandals are extremely practical but remember that they are not meant for everyday use as they won’t provide your child’s feet with the support that they need. Plastic and rubber sandals also don’t allow for sweat to leave the foot as it should which is something to think about in terms of health and hygiene.

Kids that Wear and Tear

Many kids are experts at ruining new shoes fast. Little boys that run and drag their feet on the ground as they drive a toy car make those new shoes look like hobo-collection in no time. It is quite usual that parents have to buy new shoes for active kids every 2-3 months. If this is the case it doesn’t make much sense to buy the most expensive types of sandals. You can get great sandals in out-lets and from less recognized brands. This doesn’t mean that they are any less than your brand shoes. In fact, many times the off-brand sandals will last just as long as the expensive ones and be just as supportive and healthy for your child’s feet so don’t be a fool for the tag!

Material and Style

It is important to look at the material of the sandals for your child. Leather is a good choice since it stretches and also lets the feet breathe. If you buy leather sandals for your child from a cheaper brand you need to check that it is truly leather shoes that you are getting. The smell will most likely give them away but check that the actual shoe and sole are made of leather for comfort and quality.

The last thing to consider is what your child likes but this will usually work out well considering all of the cool and pretty sandals for kids available now a days. Don’t get them too many options to choose from to make it easier and only present sandals that you are ready to buy!

These are leather sandals from Dr Step in Jerusalem. They cost about $17.