How to get kids to drink wheatgrass juice

Did you try to give your children wheatgrass juice? Did you get rejected? Perhaps something like: “Mom, that is… well… grass, cows eat grass…” You smile and tell the little wise one, that so do we.

Somehow the fresh smell of grass does not bring children to want to participate in the wheatgrass juice fest. How can you get kids to take wheat grass shots in the morning just like you do? It would be so good for them but somehow things that are very healthy seem to get kids to object.

Get the kids to drink wheatgrass juice!

I got my kids to drink wheatgrass juice, and this is how I did it…

For all the kids

No matter age, helping out with the juicing is fun and an incentive to drink the juice. It makes a mess, expect grass all over your kitchen, but once the juice is ready they want to try. They might not be crazy about the taste but if you act as if this is really cool they might do the same. Like they are drinking something that is really meant for adults.

Get a good hand driven wheatgrass juicer if you want the fun of cooperation. The electric juicers can also be great but might not present the same level of fun in making the juice.

Make the wheatgrass juice with the kids!

Grow it together

Similarly, it can help to grow the grass together like a project. Get the seeds and start a little farm project in the basement. Watching the grass grow could increase the desire to drink the juice from it…


Getting very young kids to drink wheatgrass juice

Bribe, bribe and bribe some more… Yes, it isn’t politically correct but it works. If you drink this (remember that it is just a cheek full) you will get A, Y or Z. This works with a four year old and definitely with older kids who will be happy to get new stickers for the albums, coins for their piggy bank and similar things. A shot a day can bring in many coins, remind them of this!

Pretend that you didn’t notice the kid behind your back

You want older kids to think that drinking wheatgrass juice is awesome. They won’t think so by you telling them this. But if some cool dude out in the nature talks about how he could see eagles fetch fish miles away they might get hooked. Pretend that you are doing your wheat grass research without noticing them behind you back. Play this video on your computer and have them watch it too. (This works the best when the kids are not normally allowed to watch movies or play games whenever they want)


The oh-so-special-not-for-you approach

Together with another grown-up you drink the juice. When the kids ask what it is you tell them that it is nothing for them. You don’t even bother to explain. When they nudge you tell then they won’t like it because they are kids. Do this a few times. It will have them try it. After that, you might need new techniques because it taste like, well uhm, grass. Cows eat grass…


Make it a game

You can get very scientific about it with older kids. Make a chart where you rate how tired you feel at a certain hour. Start taking the wheatgrass shots in the morning and then check daily how you feel. This is a game that both grownups and kids love. If your family is into charts and measuring things this can also be a help.

Disguise it!

If nothing else will do you might have to trick them. Cover the wheatgrass juice in something sweet and green. A commercial juice that they will drink could easily hide some of the healthy stuff. The downside to this is that the commercial juice is not exactly all that healthy. Just make sure your trick goes undetected. If not this might put the child off healthy things in your kitchen forever!

If these tricks don’t work to make the kids drink wheatgrass juice you might just want to put the project on hold a bit and pray for salvation in the shape of friends and other influencers getting onto the wheatgrass train.