Snowday – what should we do?

To some, the snow is not about sitting inside with little kids wondering what to do as they are struggling being without power. But for those of us lucky enough to have power and a comfortable warm home the question of how to entertain the little ones becomes highly relevant.

Here are some ideas for what to do when you can’t go out with the kids:

  • Create a game. Cut out cards and decorate them and make a game of this. You can make your own Taki or even a regular card deck for the fun of it.
  • Dance and sing. Make a fun dance or exercise class. If you don’t know what to do you can use the Internet and watch a Youtube video or two. Zumba, aerobics with balls, step… there are so many possibilities…
  • Draw. Sit down and draw and paint. This is something most kids enjoy. If you have more advanced stuff like window paint you can create fun messages to the snow on the window.
  • Cook and bake. Get busy in the kitchen and let the kids take part of the fun!
  • Organize. Take a closet and start organizing together sorting and discussing stuff as you go along.
  • Read a story. Or make one up by letting everyone fill in their part. You an also tell your kids something that happened when you were their age. Perhaps a story of being stuck in the snow…

Once the storm calms out there you can get dressed and go out to play. If it is evening you can make snow lanterns by the house to watch from your window as you round the day up with a steaming cup of hot cocoa.