Pinworms are quite common among toddlers and pre-school kids and naturally those living with these youngsters risk getting the little white worms. If you are pregnant with pinworms the first thing you need to know is that it is not dangerous for the health of your new baby but, of course, it isn’t a pleasant experience and you should try to get rid of them in safe ways. Here are some important facts and advises if you need to treat pinworms when pregnant. Don’t despair; it is possible to get rid of them without medication!
No medicines!
Unfortunately you will not find conventional medicines against pinworms that are allowed for a pregnant woman. Treat your kids but don’t touch these medicines yourself! You will also find it difficult to treat pinworms when pregnant with natural medicines since they all state that they are not to be used when pregnant. This doesn’t mean that they are actually dangerous to use but rather that they haven’t gone through enough testing for their producers to stand behind a recommendation. This leaves a pregnant woman with pinworms without any medicines to treat the condition with, so what can be done? Plenty…
Your diet
OK, you are not supposed to start a diet when pregnant but you should certainly try to eat healthy and to avoid overeating. Pinworms love sugar so your first step should be to drastically reduce your intake of sugar. You can get plenty of sweet through fruits so cut cookies, candy and white sugar from your diet. Remember that white bread is quite often loaded with sugar, switch to a whole wheat brand instead. You should also get enough fiber to ease your digestion. Fruit will be good since it can help you clean yourself and reduce the blockage that worms would enjoy for pockets of surviving.
It is well known that garlic works as a great medicine against pinworms and this is a natural medicine for pinworms that a pregnant woman can use. Make a salad and put in 2-3 cloves of garlic. Don’t cut the garlic into small pieces as this will take some of the power out of it. If you can muster eating garlic like this for a few days combined with a sugar free diet, you are well on your way to get rid of the worms!
This is the step that can be a challenge, and especially when you are pregnant and already in sore need of rest and not of more housework. If the house is suffering from the worms you need to switch sheets and covers every day. If you don’t laundry them, at least air them out and hang them in a sunny place, the sun will kill the eggs and the worms. Change your underwear frequently and try to clean your private parts each time you go to the bathroom. Trim your nails and wash your hands with soap after every visit to the bathroom and before you eat or prepare any food.
This is how you can treat pinworms when you are pregnant and the good things with these steps is that they will also leave you healthier and with a very clean and tidy house. In a way you might want to see it as a blessing getting pinworms when pregnant when the result is that you have to stay away from all of that junk that only adds to your waistline and not to the healthy development of your baby. Good luck!