Travel with kids – what to do on an airplane with kids

If you have to travel many hours by plane with kids you could be in for a nightmare or you could manage just fine. If you want the time on the airplane with the kids pass fast and pleasantly you better prepare well for it.

To manage when traveling by plane with kids you need to think about toys that will keep them busy in a sitting position for a long time. If you kid doesn’t normally enjoy drawing then don’t get creative with a set of crayons and a sketch book for the plane ride! Think about what your kid usually enjoys in the afternoons and early evenings when you stay at home.

If this means that you need to bring some movies and a DVD viewer you should do so. You don’t necessarily have to buy a small computer or compact DVD for the plane ride with the kids. Ask around. Your family or friends might be able to lend you one. Don’t forget about the classical story tapes. Your children might enjoy listening to stories while flying. Try it out when going for a car ride to see if they like this form of entertainment for the road.

Both kids and grownups need to stretch legs and arms on plane rides. When you fly with kids you shouldn’t expect of them to sit still without complaints the whole way. Make a little stroll with one kid at a time and try to do so at times when the food carts are not out rolling. For a kid on an airplane a thing like the lavatories might be a very interesting thing if you just take the time to explain how things work in there.

According to age of the kids you can find different things to focus on during the plane ride. Ask them before the trip what they look forward to see and if there is anything special they would like to know about airplanes. You might have to forget about showing them the cockpit due but it is always worth it to ask.

Bring your kids tired to the plane ride. Let them move a lot before you board the plane and bring things like small pillows and favorite blankets for sleep to help them take naps during the plane ride.
Enjoy your plane ride with your kids!